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3 Reasons Why We Redesigned our Website

Urroz Website displayed on Desktop

Your website is the forever-present brand ambassador of your business! It’s the home base that can act as a foundation for your brand. That’s why we decided it was time for a website revamp of our own! Why? Well, we found a couple of elements we wanted to improve and knew we could better align them to our brand! We’ll take you through our journey that will hopefully give you some insights you can take back to your website or brand—even if it’s been around for 20 years or has yet to be created!

1. Business & Brand Growth

As a business grows, so should its brand! Over the past couple of years, we’ve had the absolute pleasure of working with some amazing clients, meeting great people, and learning more about the impact we want to make! As a result, we’ve been able to dive deeper into our craft, refine our process (i.e. how we work with people), and figure out who we want to work with!

We want our website to align with who we are and the people that fuel us! So, we reworked our messaging, website layout, imagery, and overall style to reflect that better. That, and a couple of new case studies (with more coming soon!), brought our new website to a good place that represents us better!

We know that soon—maybe even next week—we’ll look back and already see places to improve, but that’s what makes the journey so interesting! We’re constantly learning new things and exploring new ideas that we can bring back to our business and use to support our current and future clients!

2. Goodbye Wix. Hello Webflow!

Wix to Webflow

When we first launched Urroz in 2020, we were confident with Wix and knew how to make unique websites while optimizing the platform’s other features—hence why we used it for our website. But there was someone else!

We became familiar with Webflow from others in the design space and knew it would be an incredible tool to work with! So, we took the dive and fell in love! Webflow allowed us to create websites without design limitations! Whether it was a unique layout or a magical interaction, we knew we would be able to create elements that could provide a unique experience for our clients and their customers!

Here are some key reasons why we made the switch:

A better User Experience for us and our users

Although Wix is very intuitive in many ways, Webflow gave us a way to efficiently create a cohesive, adaptable, and on-brand experience across our site. By being able to code visually (otherwise known as the No-Code Movement), we could work faster and push our design without compromising responsiveness. We could explore diverse layouts and create a cohesive look and feel that aligned with—and even enhanced—our brand.

All of that to say, we can now create better websites faster!

A beautiful site across all screen sizes
Displaying the different viewports in Webflow for our new website home page.

One of the issues we had with Wix was the inability to hone in on how our website looked on different devices and screen sizes (i.e. desktop, tablet, mobile). With Webflow, responsive design was seamless! By default, you start with at least four screen sizes to work across, and you have a lot of flexibility to change, adapt, and better the experience across those displays.

An intuitive system to manage our content (CMS)

While Content Management Systems (CMS) aren’t new, Webflow has set it up so we can use it to create systems that fit our and our client’s needs! We currently have three CMS collections: Authors, Insights, and Projects. Each has been set up to work exactly how we need it for its own unique purposes.

For example, whenever a new project is ready to be added to our website. We simply fill out our form, and then the information is dynamically populated, how and where it should be!

Webflow CMS back-end form
Webflow CMS back-end form we set up for our Projects

Front-end of CMS showcasing content populated into website page
Front-end of CMS showcasing content populated into Projects page

Needless to say, Webflow won our hearts! Although it’s not the platform for everyone, it’s one that allows us to create unique experiences and see them through from conception to launch!

3. Room to Grow

Now that we are on a platform that gives us the right kind of design freedom, we know we will be able to grow with it as a business. Not only is Webflow continuously adding new features, but we’ll also have the freedom to explore new ideas along the way!

There are many great platforms out there! We used Wix for a while and continue to use Shopify for most eCommerce clients. But for us as designers, Webflow is the tool that best meets the needs and wants of our business—of course, it’s also an excellent place for us to be creative!

Whether you’re a new business or a long-time business veteran, we’re here for the go-getters, dreamers, and believers! If you’re looking to get started on your big ideas or simply have a question, feel free to reach out to us via our contact page or email at hello@urroz.ca! We’d love to chat!


Cristian Urroz from Urroz
Cristian Urroz

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Cris & Emily, co-founders of Urroz

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